Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I'm Really Bad at Posting...

So I know that I said in my last post that I was going to try this year to keep my blog regularly updated, but, as you can tell, this obviously hasn't happened. haha! And I know that today's post won't be too long, but I figured I'd give everyone a quick update as to what's been going on (and kind of as to why I haven't posted in so long).
Well, we will just say that this last month or so has been quite busy and full of surprises, to say the least. I have been sick for about the last month and we have been in and out of doctor's offices and the ER probably more times than I could count. I've had kidney stones in my kidneys for about the last 6 years, but they've just kind of stayed there (not really passed--only a couple times--and stayed pretty small). Just recently, however, they started passing and growing. I was in the ER one day passing one on my right side and then two days later I was passing one on my left side. About a week later I began just not feeling well and it got worse each day. We were, again, in and out of the doctor's and ER, and I ended up finding out that I had a horrible UTI, an impacted colon, my kidney stones were growing, and all of this had also kicked my migraines on (so I've had a constant headache for the last 3 weeks).
Anyways...Long story short, we got my colon and UTI under control, and I ended up going in this last Friday for surgery on my right kidney (to do lithotripsy and break the stones up). The surgeon said we could only do one kidney at a time, so we did the right one now, and when that one is all healed and under control we will do the left one. He told my mom that I two (of the three large stones they broke up)of the stones were 7mm each and the third stone was almost 1cm!!!
So, I've been home resting and trying to take it easy, heal, and recover from all of this. Sorry again I haven't posted in so long, but I will try my to be more diligent! :) I better get going and rest some more, but there's just a quick little update. I hope that all of you are doing well!


  1. Just what you need, other crap to being going on. Sorry to hear you've been through some rough stuff. I hear Kidney stones are awful. Probably not compared to other stuff you've been through huh?

  2. Jackie!!! Hang in there, my friend. You are a trooper. You certainly don't deserve all this "stuff", but I know you can find the strength to pull through it all! I love you and think of you all the time. It's really about time we did lunch, don't you think?? Hang in there!
