BEAR LAKE! In July I was able to go on a fun trip with my mom, my little brother Taylor, my four older sister's and their families (Janeice and Bryan and their kids, Jodi and Jack and their kids, Jessica and Jake and their kids, and Jill and Sheldon and their kids), my Aunt Eileen and her whole family (her, my Uncle Gordon, their kids and their families), and my Uncle Ralph and part of his family (him, my Aunt Julianne, Maryann and her family, and Uncle Ralph's family just came up for the day to go to the beach)all up to Bear Lake! It was so fun! We stay at the KOA up in Garden City, go to the Lake one day, they have a pool at the KOA, I played with my nieces and nephews (at the playground and then at night they'd do a little tractor ride thing we'd take the kids down for), we took our electric scooters up to ride around and then one night we have a big "dessert bar" over by where my Aunt Eileen's campground is and everyone brings different treats and we all just visit and eat yummy treats! It was lots of fun!
My nieces and nephews playing at the park...
The boys (my brother, brother-in-laws, and a couple nephews) playing horse shoes...
Waiting for the "tractor-ride"...
Bear Lake was tons of fun, so as for the "new camera" part, I just got a new camera this summer and am absolutely loving it! My old camera was like sucking the life out of my batteries--yes, even the rechargable ones--and it was driving me crazy because it'd always be dead when I went to use it. So I found this great digital one at Shopko that came with a case, memory card, the computer stuff to load things on, and everything for like $70...yea!
The end of July a bunch of my friends and I went over to my my friend Chandra's for the ever popular "Girl's Night"! It was tons of fun and always much needed--taking a break from things, catching up, eating yummy food, and laughing tons!
Chandra's trampoline is right by her house, so Jill climbed up on the roof to jump off onto the trampoline. However once she climbed up, she was a bit hesitant of actually jumping off, so she sat up there for awhile while we were all down there yelling up to her (some of us yelling 'just climb down' and others 'you can do it, just jump')...Here's the pics of her just sitting there and then when she finally jumped...
Denise and Sarah Nielsen's flips...
Kelsey rubbing Sarah Wiser's cute prego belly (sorry not real clear pic) and Sarah posing for me with her cute belly...
All of us who were there...
My sister Jessica and I went swimming at North Shore with her cute kiddos, Kaleb and Sammy, one day during the summer--it was super fun! Her kids slept over the night before, I took them to Denny's for breakfast in the morning, and then Jessica came over and we went swimming!
Taking a break from swimming and eating our lunchables...
My friend Denise and I went to an Institute activity this summer that was out in Hooper--it was an 'Institute Rodeo'. It was lots of fun! My goal this year is to try and come out of my 'shell' a little bit--go to more activities, talk to more people, etc...
On our way there we got a little lost (not too far--just kinda drove past the area a little ways), we pulled over to call my brother for the exact address, and while we were pulled over, across the street, this goat was tied to the fence...I tried walking over to it to pet it and feed it (we wanted to take a picture with it), but it kept walking away; so we had to just settle for a picture of just the goat.
At the activity they had 'horse rides', so we went for a little ride was so fun--I loved it!!!
Finally, about a week and a half before this fall semester started, I had surgery on my right thumb to fuse one of the joints and remove a cyst. The surgery went great and I now have the stitches out and am just in a cast for 4 weeks, so that the bones can grow together and heal.
A picture the doctor gave me right after surgery of the x-ray of my thumb following surgery...
Pictures right after my surgery of my splint I had on for a couple weeks...
A couple of my cute nieces and nephews came over to see me after my surgery--they brought cute little cards they'd made for me and sat and talked for a little bit...little kids are so stinkin' sweet! Here's some pics of my fun cards and two of my nieces and nephews (Jill's kids--Abbie and Nixxon)...
Finally, after about 2 weeks I was able to get the spint off, stitches taken out, and a cast put on...
Well, it's only the second week of the semester, but it seems to be in full swing, so I better get off here and working on homework! :)
Glad you've been having some fun! Minus the never ending surgeries. :)
ReplyDeleteYou look so cute in the girls' night pic!!