So I sat here, wanting to update/write on my blog, but thinking what exactly to write about...nothing new or exciting has really been going on--just the usual hanging out with family and friends, reading, doing school stuff, etc...But then I got to thinking that today's Sunday, the Sabbath Day, and so I wanted to put something down that went along with that. For those of you who may not know, I love to write--especially when it's things that we all can relate to in some way or another. I have this book just full of things I write, and so as I was writing in it today and looking through past things, I found one that I wanted to write on here and share with all of you. I really liked (well, I'd hope I liked it since I wrote it...haha), but that has to do with our Savior, the Gospel, and everything--it just fit perfect for today. I hope you guys like it--I think it can fit into each of our lives in some way. So here it is (sorry if it's kinda a long post):
"The Canvas"
That first breath that we inhale is the opening to our blank canvas.
Each a pure, clean slate awaiting the Master's hand--to place each stroke in its necessary setting;
As we gaze upon each of these strokes that have been shaped, shifted, and formed to fit that which our life has created.
Questions fill my mind: "What are these detailed lines forming?" "What is this creation that our Master seems to see so clearly and yet it has a sense of haze over my eyes?"
As I'm forced to face life's challenges, it seems that the strokes become more plentiful.
It's during my hardest times in life that the Master's hand is so quick at work.
I can't figure out what it is that He's creating, but I hear Him say: "Trust me my child, I am with thee."
As I near the end of my mortal existence, I pray and ask God one more time...
"God, why have I gone through all these trials, why has it seemed that when times were hardest your hands were fast at work, and God, what have you created from all of this?"
A still small voice is than heard: "Oh my child, when you first let out a cry into this world, a blank canvas appeared.It was your canvas and nobody else's.Each canvas is different--but my hand is still a part of each one."
"At those times when you thought you'd messed up, I was here to clear your canvas off and give you another try."
"And during those times when you cried late into the night longing for peace and tranquility, all of these beautiful lines, shapes, and figures were created from those tears."
"Now my child, take a step back and look at your canvas now."
I stepped back, and with wide eyes, I realized that all of those frustrations, the sorrow, happincess, and pleading for help and forgivness, had created my Celestial Eternity."